Friday 11 April 2014

How To Fix The 8 Signs Of Aging

Photo by YoudidntDidyou (Flickr)
Aging occurs when an optimum function of a cell starts to decline. It is associated with the word "old" meaning old age. While people are young, they are active, strong, have supple skin, good vision and a lot more. As people grow old, cells become mature and in time, cells become too old untill it can no longer protect the tissues of the body. Aging is a normal bodily process that occurs within our body. It is irreversible as time goes by.

The foods that we eat, physical activity, mental activity, as well as the environment are directly associated with the health condition of our cells. Aging cannot be prevented, however, in can be delayed in many ways. Due to advancement in science and technology, fighting aging is easier. There are natural and artificial ways. Of course, we will go for the natural.

Aging starts to happen between the ages 25 to 30. That being said, it can happen even earlier when the body is not well taken cared of. Age 30 is most commonly the time when the body's ability to produce antioxidants (substances that protect and repair cells) decreases. So, we expect a lot of signs and symptoms that indicate aging such as, high blood pressure, chest pain, knee pain, wrinkles and others.

In order to protect and maintain our youthfulness, proper body care and more knowledge regarding healthy living is a must.

(1)  Muscle Atrophy

Atrophy is a decrease in size. A very probable cause of muscle atrophy is body deconditioning. When a person doesn't move a lot or has a sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation is poor and then, muscle cells start to decrease in size.

How To Fix

  • Exercise regularly
  • Use the stairs not the elevator
  • Do housekeeping manually whenever posible
  • Minimise your stay on the couch
  • Walk rather than ride.

(2)  Poor Vision

It can be lack of Vitamin A or overexposure to bright objects like computers and rays of the suns.

How To Fix
  • Use sunglasses or eyeglasses
  • Avoid staring or staying at bright areas
  • Take Vitamin A supplement
  • Don't look at computers for too long
  • Don't stay too close when watching TV
  • See a doctor for eye chek-up

(3)  High Blood Pressure

It can be hereditary or acquired. High blood pressure or hypertension occurs when there is too much pressure of the blood exerted against the blood vessel wall. One common cause is decreased blood vessel diameter resulting from accumulation of plaques or fatty deposits inside the blood vessels. 

How To Fix
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid fatty foods
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Manage stress
  • Eat fish rich in omega 3
  • Lose weight
  • Consult the doctor

(4)  Wrinkles

This is one significant sign of aging. Overexposure to sun, lack of vitamins and minerals causes wrinkles as well as when your body's ability to manufacture antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10 and glutathione decreases.

How To Fix
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Avoid radiation exposure
  • Drink enough water
  • Eat nutritious foods
  • Take multivitamin supplements
  • Take coenzyme Q10 and glutathione supplements
  • Use anti-wrinkle face cream
  • See a dermatologist

(5)  Knee Pain

It can be hereditary or acquired. The knee is one of the most commonly affected joint in arthritis. Because the knee is a large joint, most of the body weight is directed to it. So, most overweight people are prone to arthritis of the knee.

How To Fix
  • Take pain reliever
  • Reduce weight
  • Therapy or rehabilitation
  • Avoid prohibited foods

(6)  Poor Posture

2 common causes of poor posture are weakness and lack of bone calcium. It occurs mostly in women. 

How To Fix
  • Take calcium supplement
  • Exercise to strengthen your muscles and bones
  • Maintain proper posture when sitting and standing
  • Maintain proper posture when working

(7)  Poor Memory

Can be due to poor nutrition, lack of mental exercises, and sedentary lifestyle. 

How To Fix
  • Read
  • Learn new things
  • Exercise to increase blood flow to the brain
  • Take memory enhancing supplements
  • Play challenging computer games.

(8)  Weakness

Weakness occurs when there is inactivity or prolonged rest. Without physical activity, the body gets deconditioned resulting to lack of energy. 

How To Fix
  • Keep moving
  • Exercise
  • Participate in any activities such as sports
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Avoid prolonged bed rest. 


  1. New ways to support cellular regeneration and fight aging with rejuvenating natural nutrients see:
