Monday 7 April 2014

7 Common Mistakes When You Want To Lose Weight

Source: Tumblr
Being conscious about my body weight, I don't eat too much, I exercise and eat right. I do that for 10 long years and untill now, still able to maintain my ideal body weight in proportion to my height.

They say, "it's more difficult to to lose weight than to gain". Certainly, yes. One reason is, everyone loves to eat except the kids who would rather play than eat. I have a chubby friend who says, "eating is pleasure". Well, that's the quote of the chubby ones. Probably true, probably not for the dieters.

If your weight loss program is not giving you any remarkable positive results, you start to blame the program as being inefficient and then you try another program. Actually, it is you who should be blamed. You're are probably not doing it right. See below the common mistakes.

  1. To much sugar. Watch out your carbohydrate intake. Without intense excercise or heavy activities, carbohydrate intake should be put to a minimum. When carbohydrates are digested, they turn into sugar for energy. Sugar is the source of energy. When excess sugar stays in your body, it becomes fat. Don't indulge in sweets and carbs because they accumulate over time.
  2. Wrong exercise. There are 2 basic types of exercise: aerobic and non-aerobic. Aerobic exercise is a long duration excercise, to burn fat, strengthen heart and lungs. Time duration should be about 30 minutes to 50 minutes. Experts say that fat starts to burn after 30 of excercise. In addition to that, aerobics is more about endurance. So, the longer you do it, the more fats you burn. Non-erobic exercise is a short duration excercise. The main goal here is to increase muscle size rather burn fat. This is commonly used by body builders
  3. You don't move a lot. People often think that dieting alone may help them reduce some pounds. They diet and watch TV all the time or sit on the couch and play with their tablets. Lack of excercise is the main culprit of gaining weight. Move more to burn more. As simple as that.
  4. You don't eat breakfast. There is a wrong notion that when you skip a meal, you also skip the the calories. The truth is, when your body is hungry specially in the morning, your brain automatically detects you are in starvation state. When that happens, your body conserves energy (it's why you feel weak) and when you eat lunch, you feel so hungry & you tend to double the amount of what you eat.
  5. You eat even when not hungry. Basically, if your not hungry, there are still enough energy in your body. It's like fueling your car while still full with gasoline. So, you have to wait untill you're hungry or it's right time to eat.
  6. You eat in fastfood restaurant. Most commonly, fastfood chains serve foods high in fat and fried with fat. You rarely see fruits and vegetables. It's actually wrong to eat in these places. Busy people are more likely to eat outside rather than cooking their own food. Look for a restaurant that offers good food.
  7. You don't make a Plan. Most people wanting to loss weight usually fail because they don't manage and plan goals. Planning is crucial as serves as your guide and a reminder to have consistent strategy for an effective weight loss program. Scheduling your excercise routines keeps you organised and adapt to all your daily activities.

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