Monday 17 March 2014

Basic Steps To Look Good

Good looks bring confidence. When someone meets you, specially the first time, he notices your face first. "Why?" The reason is, a person is usually being judged by the face. It's the first impression. Meeting a person while unprepared is uneasy. Of course, you worry about your appearance particularly your face except if you have the face of a celebrity. Well, being just a regular guy, there are effortless ways to improve your appearance or shall I say, to maintain your already beautiful face. Nowadays, men also have the right to look presentable like a fresh, young looking and oil-free face.
  1. Wash your face.
    Don't just use any bath soap out there. Soap is good for the body only. Your face is more sensitive. It is why it's prone to pimples and redness (caused by strong soap, face cream or astringent). For ages below 30, look for a facial wash, cleanser or foam. For an oil-free face, choose the one with oil control. For ages 30 and above, it is recommendable to try products with anti-aging content such as those with CoenzymeQ10, an antioxidant that helps eliminate toxins, repair damage cells, energises skin, and minimises wrinkles. "Is it necessary to use a facial wash with vitamins and minerals or some other nutrients despite that you wash immediately?" Yes. Because your skin is the last part of your body to receive nutrients due to the fact that it is the outermost part of your body. Enriched facial wash can help.
  2. Use toner. It is similar with astringent but it is not irritating to the skin. It removes remaining deep seated dirt not removed by washing and may help minimise pores. Toner gives you a toned look.
  3. Moisturise. Moisturisers are not only for women and it is not classified as make-up. Even men are advised to wear a moisturiser. It locks in moisture to make you look younger and protects your skin from drying. 
  4. Hydrate. Drink enough water. One important component of a cell to function properly is water. It aids in faster cell metabolism. It helps eliminate toxins and keeps you hydrated. Drink about 8 glasses of water daily. You can replace water with a natural fruit juice for an appealing taste. Dry skin can be a sign that you are not drinking enough.

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