Saturday 3 May 2014

How To Effectively Wash Face And Minimize Pores

Does oiliness and big pores bother you? Most probably yes just like most of us. When it comes to the face, it is most commonly noticed first before any other part of your body. Everyone of us deserve to be as good looking as possible. Of course, it is among our priorities most importantly if you are in business like when you talk to executives, clients and prospective customers.

But to look really good, you don't have to spend a big sum of money. A clean and oil-free face can be just okay for the gentlemen while women need a make-up and maybe a visit to the skin clinic. There are 4 basic steps to effectively clean your face. These are necessary steps for women before wearing any make-up.
  1. Wet you face with warm or moderately hot water. It should be just enough to be tolerated by your skin. Try to test first the water temperature using the back of your hand. The temperature sensitivity of your hand is closely the same with your face. The warm water increases skin temperature to dilate or open pores so that face wash can enter and clean them thoroughly. 
  2. Use face wash. Lather and massage face thoroughly. Avoid using a body soap because they mostly contain strong ingredients that may destroy skin's natural moisture and irritate skin as well.
  3. Use warm water again to rinse your face.
  4. Lastly, wet your face with cold water to close pores. The cold temperature constrict skin to minimize pore size and prevent germs from entering inside. 
If you need to squeeze your blackheads and whiteheads, make sure your hands are clean. Remember to use the "warm and cold water technique", to open and close pores for better cleansing. Washing your face 2 to 3 times a day should be enough to prevent oiliness and minimize pore size. Of course, you still need to choose the right face wash for you for better results. 

Friday 2 May 2014

Feed Your Body With Antioxidants

With today's busy schedules and somehow stressful environments, our body tend to become older than it should be. Stressful factors cause our cells to age faster as we forget sometimes to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In order to have a healthier body, a younger appearance or at least to avoid health complications, we need antioxidants.

Antioxidants are substances that help repair damaged or unhealthy cells. They promote metabolism to optimise cell function. They are molecules that inhibit oxidation, a chemical reaction that transfers electrons or hydrogen from a substance to an oxidising agent. When chain reaction occurs in the cell, it can cause damage or death of cells. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radicals and inhibit other oxidation reactions.

Antioxidants simply mean anti-radicals. They play a very crucial biological role in the body by protecting against oxidative damage, thus, preventing disorders and help delay aging as well. Healthier cells function properly, make you look young and boost immune system function.

Antioxidants come from different sources and are classified into 3 main types.  They can be manufactured by our body or found in plants and animals that we eat.


They are synthesised in the body while others are made from the nutrients and minerals in the the food we eat.

  • CoQ10 - also known as Ubiquinone and abbreviated as CoQ10. A fat soluble vitamin-like substance responsible for thousands of metabolic processes that sustain life. It is sometimes used as an ingredient in facial creams and cleansers because of its strong ability to repair cells.  
  • Papain - an enzyme present in papaya that helps in digestion. It breaks down tough meat fibers and has been used to tenderise meat.


Vitamins are known to be very essential to our body. They cannot be synthesised in our bodies. They are found in the food we eat. These vitamins are called vitamin antioxidants.

  • Vitamin A - a fat soluble vitamin essential for good vision.
  • Vitamin C - a water soluble vitamin that helps repair cells and helps strengthen our body's resistance against various diseases. 
  • Vitamin E - a fat soluble vitamin that helps detoxify cells by fighting free radicals. 


Also known as phytonutrients. They are created by plants to protect themselves and has been found out that they also work as an antioxidant within our body.

  • Capsaicinoids - an antioxidant that gives chili peppers their hotness that has antibiotic and analgesic properties. Also known to help lose weight and has anti-cancer properties. 
  • Flavonoids - they help protect blood vessels and help protect cells from oxidative damage. They also help prevent inflammatory reactions inside the body.

Monday 28 April 2014

The Use Of Barley As A Food

Photo by WBeskow (Flickr)
Barley has been served as a food staple throughout history and amazingly one of the best sources of nutrients on Earth that human body needs from birth untill old age. Research done by Agronomist, a specialist in field-crop production and soil management, shows the use of barley dates back as early as 8,000 B.C. and has been used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese and Egyptians. Roman gladiators consumed barley as a source of energy and streght while the enslaved Egyptians consumed barley bread as their sole sustenance. Barley was also used as a food staple in the late 16th century in Europe and was frequently mentioned in the Bible as being used by the Hebrews and Egyptians.

John 6:9-14
Feeding of the 5,000 people with 5 barley bread and 2 fish.

In modern times, it was discovered by the Chinese that animals being raised for their organs, and medicine produced superior results when they were fed with barley leaves compared to being fed with dry feed in the 1980's. Doctor Yasuo Hotta, a research professor at the University of California, San Diego, discovered a special fraction in green barley juice which produces an incredible stimulation in restoring cellular DNA.  He discovered that these phytochemicals found in green barley contributed significantly to the reparation of DNA. In his research, he stressed that the substance stimulating DNA repair has been found only in green barley grass in significant amount.

Another Japanese Pharmacologist, Dr. Hagiwara, conducted a series of case studies indicating that green barley juice contained a constituent that increases strength and enhances motor activities in mice, had anti-ulcer properties, anti-infallamatory properties and lowers cholesterol.

In the 1990's, the Diabetes Resource Center Inc, found that the dried juice from organic green barley leaves was a beneficial food for those with type II diabetes.

Green barley contains the following:

  • Enzymes. Enzyme is a protein molecule that speeds up chemical reaction in a living organism. It is crucial in maintaining good health as it enhances cell metabolism. It functions as a catalyst to dramatically speed up biochemical reactions that occur in our cells. Enzymes must be present to ensure proper digestion of nutrients, energy production, metabolism and transportation of fluid to cells. They are only activated in water, so staying hydrated is very important for enzymes to work effectively. They exist only in raw or uncooked foods  to help our body breakdown what we eat.
  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). An anti-aging enzyme. The main function of this powerful antioxidant is to remove toxic substances from our cells. Research shows that SOD can even restore function and repair DNA in older and less active cells.  These properties can help reduce risk of cancer and other serious diseases. 
  • P4D1. An enzyme that can stimulate repair of DNA molecule to produce good cells and destroy cancer cells. 
  • Peroxidase. It isolates, breaks down and neutralises Try-P1 and P2, carcinogens in grilled meat and fish and, 3-4 Benzene and carcinogen in tobacco. 
  • 2'-O-Glycosyisovitexin. A water soluble substance which is more effective antioxidant than Beta Carotene or Vitamin E. Much more effective as an antioxidant than lipid peroxidation caused by ultra violet radiation. 
  • Fatty acid oxidase, Cythochrome oxidase, Peroxidase catalase, and Transhydrogenase. These are enzymes that help in decomposition of fats in the body.
  • Amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks of protein. 20 of them are present in the body proteins in significant quantity. 18 amino acids are found in barley grass including the 8 essential amino acids that we must get from our diet (the body cannot produce them itself ).
  • Chromium. It increases the ability of insulin to bind cells and leads to increase insulin sensitivity of the body tissue. 
  • Organic sodium. Helps dissolve calcium deposits in the joints and replenish organic sodium in the lining of the stomach which aids digestion by improving the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • Chlorophyll. A substance that produces green pigments in plants. It has a powerful detoxifying agent. It repairs cells and stimulates tissue growth.

Green barley leaves are extremely alkaline, so digesting them can help keep the body's alkalinity and acidity ratio balanced as well. Fortunately, barley is one of the best foods you can find on earth and is available as food supplement. 

Friday 11 April 2014

How To Fix The 8 Signs Of Aging

Photo by YoudidntDidyou (Flickr)
Aging occurs when an optimum function of a cell starts to decline. It is associated with the word "old" meaning old age. While people are young, they are active, strong, have supple skin, good vision and a lot more. As people grow old, cells become mature and in time, cells become too old untill it can no longer protect the tissues of the body. Aging is a normal bodily process that occurs within our body. It is irreversible as time goes by.

The foods that we eat, physical activity, mental activity, as well as the environment are directly associated with the health condition of our cells. Aging cannot be prevented, however, in can be delayed in many ways. Due to advancement in science and technology, fighting aging is easier. There are natural and artificial ways. Of course, we will go for the natural.

Aging starts to happen between the ages 25 to 30. That being said, it can happen even earlier when the body is not well taken cared of. Age 30 is most commonly the time when the body's ability to produce antioxidants (substances that protect and repair cells) decreases. So, we expect a lot of signs and symptoms that indicate aging such as, high blood pressure, chest pain, knee pain, wrinkles and others.

In order to protect and maintain our youthfulness, proper body care and more knowledge regarding healthy living is a must.

(1)  Muscle Atrophy

Atrophy is a decrease in size. A very probable cause of muscle atrophy is body deconditioning. When a person doesn't move a lot or has a sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation is poor and then, muscle cells start to decrease in size.

How To Fix

  • Exercise regularly
  • Use the stairs not the elevator
  • Do housekeeping manually whenever posible
  • Minimise your stay on the couch
  • Walk rather than ride.

(2)  Poor Vision

It can be lack of Vitamin A or overexposure to bright objects like computers and rays of the suns.

How To Fix
  • Use sunglasses or eyeglasses
  • Avoid staring or staying at bright areas
  • Take Vitamin A supplement
  • Don't look at computers for too long
  • Don't stay too close when watching TV
  • See a doctor for eye chek-up

(3)  High Blood Pressure

It can be hereditary or acquired. High blood pressure or hypertension occurs when there is too much pressure of the blood exerted against the blood vessel wall. One common cause is decreased blood vessel diameter resulting from accumulation of plaques or fatty deposits inside the blood vessels. 

How To Fix
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid fatty foods
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Manage stress
  • Eat fish rich in omega 3
  • Lose weight
  • Consult the doctor

(4)  Wrinkles

This is one significant sign of aging. Overexposure to sun, lack of vitamins and minerals causes wrinkles as well as when your body's ability to manufacture antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10 and glutathione decreases.

How To Fix
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Avoid radiation exposure
  • Drink enough water
  • Eat nutritious foods
  • Take multivitamin supplements
  • Take coenzyme Q10 and glutathione supplements
  • Use anti-wrinkle face cream
  • See a dermatologist

(5)  Knee Pain

It can be hereditary or acquired. The knee is one of the most commonly affected joint in arthritis. Because the knee is a large joint, most of the body weight is directed to it. So, most overweight people are prone to arthritis of the knee.

How To Fix
  • Take pain reliever
  • Reduce weight
  • Therapy or rehabilitation
  • Avoid prohibited foods

(6)  Poor Posture

2 common causes of poor posture are weakness and lack of bone calcium. It occurs mostly in women. 

How To Fix
  • Take calcium supplement
  • Exercise to strengthen your muscles and bones
  • Maintain proper posture when sitting and standing
  • Maintain proper posture when working

(7)  Poor Memory

Can be due to poor nutrition, lack of mental exercises, and sedentary lifestyle. 

How To Fix
  • Read
  • Learn new things
  • Exercise to increase blood flow to the brain
  • Take memory enhancing supplements
  • Play challenging computer games.

(8)  Weakness

Weakness occurs when there is inactivity or prolonged rest. Without physical activity, the body gets deconditioned resulting to lack of energy. 

How To Fix
  • Keep moving
  • Exercise
  • Participate in any activities such as sports
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Avoid prolonged bed rest. 

Monday 7 April 2014

7 Common Mistakes When You Want To Lose Weight

Source: Tumblr
Being conscious about my body weight, I don't eat too much, I exercise and eat right. I do that for 10 long years and untill now, still able to maintain my ideal body weight in proportion to my height.

They say, "it's more difficult to to lose weight than to gain". Certainly, yes. One reason is, everyone loves to eat except the kids who would rather play than eat. I have a chubby friend who says, "eating is pleasure". Well, that's the quote of the chubby ones. Probably true, probably not for the dieters.

If your weight loss program is not giving you any remarkable positive results, you start to blame the program as being inefficient and then you try another program. Actually, it is you who should be blamed. You're are probably not doing it right. See below the common mistakes.

  1. To much sugar. Watch out your carbohydrate intake. Without intense excercise or heavy activities, carbohydrate intake should be put to a minimum. When carbohydrates are digested, they turn into sugar for energy. Sugar is the source of energy. When excess sugar stays in your body, it becomes fat. Don't indulge in sweets and carbs because they accumulate over time.
  2. Wrong exercise. There are 2 basic types of exercise: aerobic and non-aerobic. Aerobic exercise is a long duration excercise, to burn fat, strengthen heart and lungs. Time duration should be about 30 minutes to 50 minutes. Experts say that fat starts to burn after 30 of excercise. In addition to that, aerobics is more about endurance. So, the longer you do it, the more fats you burn. Non-erobic exercise is a short duration excercise. The main goal here is to increase muscle size rather burn fat. This is commonly used by body builders
  3. You don't move a lot. People often think that dieting alone may help them reduce some pounds. They diet and watch TV all the time or sit on the couch and play with their tablets. Lack of excercise is the main culprit of gaining weight. Move more to burn more. As simple as that.
  4. You don't eat breakfast. There is a wrong notion that when you skip a meal, you also skip the the calories. The truth is, when your body is hungry specially in the morning, your brain automatically detects you are in starvation state. When that happens, your body conserves energy (it's why you feel weak) and when you eat lunch, you feel so hungry & you tend to double the amount of what you eat.
  5. You eat even when not hungry. Basically, if your not hungry, there are still enough energy in your body. It's like fueling your car while still full with gasoline. So, you have to wait untill you're hungry or it's right time to eat.
  6. You eat in fastfood restaurant. Most commonly, fastfood chains serve foods high in fat and fried with fat. You rarely see fruits and vegetables. It's actually wrong to eat in these places. Busy people are more likely to eat outside rather than cooking their own food. Look for a restaurant that offers good food.
  7. You don't make a Plan. Most people wanting to loss weight usually fail because they don't manage and plan goals. Planning is crucial as serves as your guide and a reminder to have consistent strategy for an effective weight loss program. Scheduling your excercise routines keeps you organised and adapt to all your daily activities.

Friday 28 March 2014

15 Proven Benefits Of Exercise

Rusto by Vengalaxia2 (Flicker)
How old are you when you discovered that exercise is good for your health? How many times have you been told by your doctor to exercise? Okay, forget about that. The real problem is weather you actually exercise or not. A busy schedule makes it difficult to do, and another obvious culprit is laziness.

The most common reason people don't lose weight is they don't exercise or don't move a lot. To exercise, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to hit the gym. You can do it effectively at home. So, now, make and exercise plan at your most convenient time. If you have time for Facebook and Twitter, or any other social media sites, then, you should find time to exercise as well. Do it 30 to 45 minutes a day, 3 times in a week. I'm giving you many reasons you should exercise on a regular basis.

The Benefits of Exercise
  1. Increases muscle size. It is also known as muscle hypertrophy. During exercise or intense physical activity, your muscles get stressed. With that, your brain's autonomic response is to increase blood flow (faster heartbeat) and increase oxygen (faster respiratory rate). More blood and oxygen to your muscles means more nutrients is being delivered and metabolism is accelerated. A regular exercise yields better nutrition as well as faster metabolism to produce healthier and bigger muscle cells.
  2. Boosts sex appeal. Simply, it's a visual attraction. Everybody wants a great looking body and a toned sexy body is physically much more attractive than a thin or fat one. A good looking body, as a result of regular exercise raises your self-steem and confidence which add to your sex appeal.
  3. Decreases risk of eye disorder. One good reason to exercise is to strengthen our immune system. As a result, our body is more resistant to diseases or disorders such as cataract and macular degeneration of the eye. It is believed that increased blood flow in the eye area decreases risk of eye disorder.
  4. Improves blood circulation. During exercise, our body produces heat. A rise in body temperature stimulates vasodilation, an increase in blood vessel diameter. A wider blood vessels (arteries, arterioles and capillaries) deliver more nutrient rich blood to the different cells of our body. Therefore, improved blood circulation is improved nutrition. 
  5. Improves mental performance. It is basically because of improvement in blood circulation. For a brain to work more properly and efficiently,  it needs more blood. Exercise stimulates production of feel-good hormones that aid in better thinking.
  6. Improves mood. Feeling good is associated to our body's better health condition attained through exercise. A balanced hormonal production is another key to a happier sense of well being.
  7. Improves physical performance.  Exercise strengthens our body due to exertion. It stimulates every cells, tissues, and organs to become stronger with physical activities. 
  8. Improves posture and balance. Exercise strengthens bones and muscles that enable our body to control posture and balance.
  9. Improves productivity. A physically fit body is certainly a good help in activities of daily living. Whatever things we do, reporting, housekeeping, traveling, chatting, blogging and more. With exercise, it conditions our body to do a lot more and become more efficient in any particular activity.  
  10. Quicker response time. Through exercise, our body adapts to it. The everyday weight, stress and challenge, train us to become stronger and tougher. In addition to that, transmission of nerve impulses from and toward the brain is develop as well, a faster reaction time.
  11. Strengthens bones and muscles. Exercise has a very important role, basically, it makes our body strong. Weight and stress such as carrying a 10 pounds dumbell (done properly) stimulates muscle growth. Muscles and bones become strong eventually. 
  12. Strengthens immune system. Exercise stimulates metabolism. When done regularly, our body is built stronger as well as better immune system. The increase in blood circulation gives more nourishment inside our cells that promotes better immune system. 
  13. Strengthens heart and lungs. Our heart and lungs are partners in nourishing our body cells. During and just after exercise, our heart and lungs are stimulated to deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of our body. A regular exercise keeps our heart and lungs in their best health condition. Please note that exercise is contraindicated to some cases.
  14. Strengthens erection in men. Researchers believe that improved blood circulation is responsible for harder erection. The penis is composed of a smooth muscle which means there are no bones that make it hard. It's just the blood. Though there are other things that can arouse a man, the rush of volume of blood makes it long and strong. So, more importantly, exercise is actually significant specially for men.
  15. Weight loss. Exercise helps burn fat particularly aerobic exercise. If you love to eat and you just sit in the office all day, then, exercise is for you. Exercise is most important in weight loss aside from eating less.
Now, you have 15 reasons to exercise. For the benefit of your body and your future as well. Fit looking body gives you self-steem and confidence. Enough reasons to motivate you to have a meaningful life.

Thursday 27 March 2014

The Therapeutic Effects Of Massage

Photo by massageubud (Flickr)
Massage is a procedure usually done with the hands, such as friction, kneading, rolling, and percussion. It has been used in ancient times and untill now. Massage is a modality or physical therapeutic method for medical purposes.

Many systems of massage have evolved and are currently popular but there has been a recent decline in use of massage that is attributable to several modern trends, including the great emphasis on medications in the field of medical profession today. There is also greater interest in the use of therapeutic tools that use advanced technologies rather than the hands. Nevertheless, in recent years, an increasing number of people are again seeking the benefits of massage therapy, the therapy of touch. 

Goals Of Treatment

There are mechanical, reflex, neurological, and physiological effects of massage. Any massage will elicit a combination of these effects.  The magnitude and exact characteristics of each of these depends on the techniques employed and the manner of which it is applied.

The goals of treatment or benefits include:

  • Sedation
  • Muscular relaxation
  • Relief of muscular stiffness
  • Relief of discomfort
  • Counter-irritant effect
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • To mobilise fluid
  • To break up tissue and muscle adhesions

Types Of Massage

The most commonly accepted types of hand movements used in massage are from the Swedish system.

The 4 Basic Stroke Types

  1. Effleurage or stroking massage. It involves lightly running the hand over the skin. This may be performed with either superficial or deep pressure. Effleurage is specially effective in assisting venous return or lymphatic drainage, such as following joint sprains or muscle strains. 
  2. PĂ©trissagĂ© or compression massage. It includes kneading, picking up, wringing, rolling and shaking. Kneading indicates circular movements of one hand superimposed on the other, a single hand, the knuckles, the finger pads, or the thumb compressing superficial soft tissues against deeper ones. Picking up includes four basic steps: (1) compression of soft tissue against underlying structures, (2) grasping of the soft tissue, (3) release of the soft tissue, and (4) moving the hands to a new position. Wringing is performed like picking up, except once the tissue is grasped using two hands side by side, one hand pushes while the other pulls. Rolling is the motion of gathering skin alone or muscle and skin between the fingers and thumb and allowing the tissue to roll between these digits before releasing and taking another nearny grasp. In shaking, once the soft tissue is  firmly grasped between thumb and fingers, the hands are shaken vigorously side ti side as they move down the length of the muscle. The techniques are designed to mobilise fluid and tissue deposits, as well as to break up tissue and muscle adhesions. 
  3. Friction massage. It is performed by applying circular or transverse motions through the fingers, thumb, or heel of the palm of the hand to a small area of tissue. 
  4. Tapotement or percussion massage. It produces stimulation by rhythmic alternating movements of the hand on the soft tissue. Clapping, hacking, vibrations, beating, pounding, and tapping are all types of tapotement massage. Clapping or cupping is a technique wherein the open palms are cupped and repetitively strike the surface of the body. Hacking consists of repetitively strikingly the body with the medial border of the hands. Vibrations require a rapid up-and -down motion of pressure and released within the soft tissue without losing contact with the skin. Beating strikes the body oalm down and  pounding strikes the body with the medial border of the fist. Tapping uses the the finger pads to percuss.