Friday 28 March 2014

15 Proven Benefits Of Exercise

Rusto by Vengalaxia2 (Flicker)
How old are you when you discovered that exercise is good for your health? How many times have you been told by your doctor to exercise? Okay, forget about that. The real problem is weather you actually exercise or not. A busy schedule makes it difficult to do, and another obvious culprit is laziness.

The most common reason people don't lose weight is they don't exercise or don't move a lot. To exercise, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to hit the gym. You can do it effectively at home. So, now, make and exercise plan at your most convenient time. If you have time for Facebook and Twitter, or any other social media sites, then, you should find time to exercise as well. Do it 30 to 45 minutes a day, 3 times in a week. I'm giving you many reasons you should exercise on a regular basis.

The Benefits of Exercise
  1. Increases muscle size. It is also known as muscle hypertrophy. During exercise or intense physical activity, your muscles get stressed. With that, your brain's autonomic response is to increase blood flow (faster heartbeat) and increase oxygen (faster respiratory rate). More blood and oxygen to your muscles means more nutrients is being delivered and metabolism is accelerated. A regular exercise yields better nutrition as well as faster metabolism to produce healthier and bigger muscle cells.
  2. Boosts sex appeal. Simply, it's a visual attraction. Everybody wants a great looking body and a toned sexy body is physically much more attractive than a thin or fat one. A good looking body, as a result of regular exercise raises your self-steem and confidence which add to your sex appeal.
  3. Decreases risk of eye disorder. One good reason to exercise is to strengthen our immune system. As a result, our body is more resistant to diseases or disorders such as cataract and macular degeneration of the eye. It is believed that increased blood flow in the eye area decreases risk of eye disorder.
  4. Improves blood circulation. During exercise, our body produces heat. A rise in body temperature stimulates vasodilation, an increase in blood vessel diameter. A wider blood vessels (arteries, arterioles and capillaries) deliver more nutrient rich blood to the different cells of our body. Therefore, improved blood circulation is improved nutrition. 
  5. Improves mental performance. It is basically because of improvement in blood circulation. For a brain to work more properly and efficiently,  it needs more blood. Exercise stimulates production of feel-good hormones that aid in better thinking.
  6. Improves mood. Feeling good is associated to our body's better health condition attained through exercise. A balanced hormonal production is another key to a happier sense of well being.
  7. Improves physical performance.  Exercise strengthens our body due to exertion. It stimulates every cells, tissues, and organs to become stronger with physical activities. 
  8. Improves posture and balance. Exercise strengthens bones and muscles that enable our body to control posture and balance.
  9. Improves productivity. A physically fit body is certainly a good help in activities of daily living. Whatever things we do, reporting, housekeeping, traveling, chatting, blogging and more. With exercise, it conditions our body to do a lot more and become more efficient in any particular activity.  
  10. Quicker response time. Through exercise, our body adapts to it. The everyday weight, stress and challenge, train us to become stronger and tougher. In addition to that, transmission of nerve impulses from and toward the brain is develop as well, a faster reaction time.
  11. Strengthens bones and muscles. Exercise has a very important role, basically, it makes our body strong. Weight and stress such as carrying a 10 pounds dumbell (done properly) stimulates muscle growth. Muscles and bones become strong eventually. 
  12. Strengthens immune system. Exercise stimulates metabolism. When done regularly, our body is built stronger as well as better immune system. The increase in blood circulation gives more nourishment inside our cells that promotes better immune system. 
  13. Strengthens heart and lungs. Our heart and lungs are partners in nourishing our body cells. During and just after exercise, our heart and lungs are stimulated to deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of our body. A regular exercise keeps our heart and lungs in their best health condition. Please note that exercise is contraindicated to some cases.
  14. Strengthens erection in men. Researchers believe that improved blood circulation is responsible for harder erection. The penis is composed of a smooth muscle which means there are no bones that make it hard. It's just the blood. Though there are other things that can arouse a man, the rush of volume of blood makes it long and strong. So, more importantly, exercise is actually significant specially for men.
  15. Weight loss. Exercise helps burn fat particularly aerobic exercise. If you love to eat and you just sit in the office all day, then, exercise is for you. Exercise is most important in weight loss aside from eating less.
Now, you have 15 reasons to exercise. For the benefit of your body and your future as well. Fit looking body gives you self-steem and confidence. Enough reasons to motivate you to have a meaningful life.

Thursday 27 March 2014

The Therapeutic Effects Of Massage

Photo by massageubud (Flickr)
Massage is a procedure usually done with the hands, such as friction, kneading, rolling, and percussion. It has been used in ancient times and untill now. Massage is a modality or physical therapeutic method for medical purposes.

Many systems of massage have evolved and are currently popular but there has been a recent decline in use of massage that is attributable to several modern trends, including the great emphasis on medications in the field of medical profession today. There is also greater interest in the use of therapeutic tools that use advanced technologies rather than the hands. Nevertheless, in recent years, an increasing number of people are again seeking the benefits of massage therapy, the therapy of touch. 

Goals Of Treatment

There are mechanical, reflex, neurological, and physiological effects of massage. Any massage will elicit a combination of these effects.  The magnitude and exact characteristics of each of these depends on the techniques employed and the manner of which it is applied.

The goals of treatment or benefits include:

  • Sedation
  • Muscular relaxation
  • Relief of muscular stiffness
  • Relief of discomfort
  • Counter-irritant effect
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • To mobilise fluid
  • To break up tissue and muscle adhesions

Types Of Massage

The most commonly accepted types of hand movements used in massage are from the Swedish system.

The 4 Basic Stroke Types

  1. Effleurage or stroking massage. It involves lightly running the hand over the skin. This may be performed with either superficial or deep pressure. Effleurage is specially effective in assisting venous return or lymphatic drainage, such as following joint sprains or muscle strains. 
  2. PĂ©trissagĂ© or compression massage. It includes kneading, picking up, wringing, rolling and shaking. Kneading indicates circular movements of one hand superimposed on the other, a single hand, the knuckles, the finger pads, or the thumb compressing superficial soft tissues against deeper ones. Picking up includes four basic steps: (1) compression of soft tissue against underlying structures, (2) grasping of the soft tissue, (3) release of the soft tissue, and (4) moving the hands to a new position. Wringing is performed like picking up, except once the tissue is grasped using two hands side by side, one hand pushes while the other pulls. Rolling is the motion of gathering skin alone or muscle and skin between the fingers and thumb and allowing the tissue to roll between these digits before releasing and taking another nearny grasp. In shaking, once the soft tissue is  firmly grasped between thumb and fingers, the hands are shaken vigorously side ti side as they move down the length of the muscle. The techniques are designed to mobilise fluid and tissue deposits, as well as to break up tissue and muscle adhesions. 
  3. Friction massage. It is performed by applying circular or transverse motions through the fingers, thumb, or heel of the palm of the hand to a small area of tissue. 
  4. Tapotement or percussion massage. It produces stimulation by rhythmic alternating movements of the hand on the soft tissue. Clapping, hacking, vibrations, beating, pounding, and tapping are all types of tapotement massage. Clapping or cupping is a technique wherein the open palms are cupped and repetitively strike the surface of the body. Hacking consists of repetitively strikingly the body with the medial border of the hands. Vibrations require a rapid up-and -down motion of pressure and released within the soft tissue without losing contact with the skin. Beating strikes the body oalm down and  pounding strikes the body with the medial border of the fist. Tapping uses the the finger pads to percuss.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Positive And Negative Effects Of Stress

Stress is a factor such as a force or pressure through physical or mental means that creates tension to the body or mind. Anything that challenges you to exert an effort is a stress, like jumping or running. Job interview, making an office report, or an argument creates stress as well.

In many cases, stress is both good and bad. It is beneficial in short term. It enables your body to be prepared, organised, strong, and resistant against stressful things and situations. These are some of the positive effects of stress. It actually challenges you to become a better person in any aspect. That said, when stress is too much or prolonged, it may eventually cause harm. Stress is actually harmful when it happens long term. It is called distress. 

Possible and Common Negative Effects Of Stress

  1. Accelerated aging
  2. Broken relationship
  3. Cessation of sex drive
  4. Depression
  5. Decreased productivity
  6. Easy fatigability
  7. Headache
  8. High blood pressure
  9. Hormonal imbalance
  10. Increased suicidal tendency
  11. Increased risk of various diseases
  12. Isolation
  13. Mental disorder
  14. More arguments
  15. Negative outook in life
  16. Poor mental performance
  17. Unhealthy lifestyle
  18. Ugly appearance
  19. Weakness
  20. Weight gain

Easy Ways To Fight Distress

  • Relax, It's okay to commit a mistake sometimes
  • See a funny movie or video
  • Listen to your favorite songs
  • Read a good book
  • Visit your best friend
  • Isolate yourself in a peaceful environment to think for several minutes
  • Have a vacation
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Have a pet
  • Have a body massage
  • Go shopping
  • If those mentioned above don't work, consider seeing a doctor. 

Life is full of surprises. It is supposed to be lived with hope, joy and gratitude. Acknowledge all the good things that are happening to you. Smile and keep going.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Best Vitamins For Your Skin

Photo by st8geek (Flickr)
Three very useful Vitamins that make you look young and healthy. Vitamins A, C, and E are basically antioxidants known as Antioxidant Vitamins for a healthy cells and good looking skin. No wonder why these healthful substances are added in various cosmetic products. See what these Vitamins can do for you and what are their sources.

Vitamin A

It is an unsaturated organic compound that includes retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and beta-carotene.

  • Maintenance of healthy skin
  • For growth and development
  • Maintenance of the immune system
  • For good vision. 
Vitamin A is needed by the retina of the eye in the form of retinal, which combines with protein opsin to form  rhodopsin, the light absorbing molecule that is necessary for low-light and color vision.

   •  carrot                       •  papaya
   •  cod liver oil             •  mango
   •  turkey liver             •  pea
   •  fish liver                  •  milk
   •  chicken liver           •  tomato
   •  dandelion greens   •  broccoli
   •  sweet potato           •  seaweed
   •  butter                       •  kale
   •  spinach                    •  pumpkin
   • cheddar cheese       •  melon
   •  egg                            •  apricot

Since Vitamin A is fat soluble, disposing of any excess taken in through diet takes much longer than with water soluble vitamins. This allows for more toxic levels of Vitamin A to accumulate. However, in general, acute toxicity occurs at high doses like 25,000 IU/kg of body weight which can be too far to happen. 

Vitamin E

It is a fat soluble Vitamin compounds that include tocopherols and tocotrienols.

  • Prevents propagation of free radicals
  • Prevents cells from oxidative damage
  • Inhibits platelet aggregation
  • Slows progression of dementia

  •  corn oil                        •  soybean oil
  •  margarine                   •  almond
  •  hazelnut                      •  palm oil
  •  wheatgerm oil            • sunflower oil
  •   safflower oil              •  dressings
  •  spinach                        •  turnip
  •  papaya                         •  dandelion greens
  •  avocado                       •  asparagus
  •  kiwifruit                      •  broccoli
  •  pumpkin                     •  sweet potato
  •  mango                         •  tomato

Vitamin E acts as an anticoagulant, which may increase the risk of bleeding problem. Agencies set a tolerable intake level at 1,500 IU/day.

Vitamin C

Also called Ascorbic Acid, a water soluble essential nutrient for humans and certain other animal species. It is the most widely taken nutritional supplement. 

  • Antioxidant
  • Helps in wound healing
  • Treatment of scurvy
  • Helps normalise blood pressure

  •  papaya                       •  rosehip
  •  chilli pepper             •  red currant
  •  guava                         •  brussel sprouts
  •  black currant           •  goji
  •  parsley                      •  lychee
  •  papaya                      •  kiwifruit
  •  broccoli                     •  kale
  •  melon                        •  tangerine
  •  garlic                         •  mandarin orange
  •  grapefruit                 •  passionfruit
  •  mango                       •  potato
  • blackberry                 •  tomato

Vitamin C is water soluble. With dietary excess not absorbed and excess in the blood is rapidly excreted in the urine. It exhibits remarkably low toxicity. A dose of 80mg to 250mg per day is okay.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables such as mango, papaya, tomato and broccoli to save yourself from buying vitamin supplements. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Basic Steps To Look Good

Good looks bring confidence. When someone meets you, specially the first time, he notices your face first. "Why?" The reason is, a person is usually being judged by the face. It's the first impression. Meeting a person while unprepared is uneasy. Of course, you worry about your appearance particularly your face except if you have the face of a celebrity. Well, being just a regular guy, there are effortless ways to improve your appearance or shall I say, to maintain your already beautiful face. Nowadays, men also have the right to look presentable like a fresh, young looking and oil-free face.
  1. Wash your face.
    Don't just use any bath soap out there. Soap is good for the body only. Your face is more sensitive. It is why it's prone to pimples and redness (caused by strong soap, face cream or astringent). For ages below 30, look for a facial wash, cleanser or foam. For an oil-free face, choose the one with oil control. For ages 30 and above, it is recommendable to try products with anti-aging content such as those with CoenzymeQ10, an antioxidant that helps eliminate toxins, repair damage cells, energises skin, and minimises wrinkles. "Is it necessary to use a facial wash with vitamins and minerals or some other nutrients despite that you wash immediately?" Yes. Because your skin is the last part of your body to receive nutrients due to the fact that it is the outermost part of your body. Enriched facial wash can help.
  2. Use toner. It is similar with astringent but it is not irritating to the skin. It removes remaining deep seated dirt not removed by washing and may help minimise pores. Toner gives you a toned look.
  3. Moisturise. Moisturisers are not only for women and it is not classified as make-up. Even men are advised to wear a moisturiser. It locks in moisture to make you look younger and protects your skin from drying. 
  4. Hydrate. Drink enough water. One important component of a cell to function properly is water. It aids in faster cell metabolism. It helps eliminate toxins and keeps you hydrated. Drink about 8 glasses of water daily. You can replace water with a natural fruit juice for an appealing taste. Dry skin can be a sign that you are not drinking enough.

Friday 14 March 2014

Tips To Recover From Hangover Faster

Alcohol is inevitable in most celebrations. It is a common tradition to have alcohol beverages during parties specially us men. Often, we drink to much and then, we suffer from headache accompanied by ill feeling. It's commonly called as hangover . As a heavy alcohol drinker years ago, it takes me to recover up to 48 hours. That is two days. Well, after studying Anatomy and Physiology, I thought that there are ways to speed up my recovery.

1. Drink a lot of water. Because alcohol is a diuretic (it promotes urination), hydrate your body with water to replace those lost fluids and speed up body metabolism. Water aids in elimination of toxins  and enhances cell repair against harmful effects of alcohol.

2. Eat. Your first meal is preferably carbohydrates such as hot noodle soup for an invigorating effect (avoid instant noodles). Noodles are good energy source and may help clear congestion (when it's hot) caused by cigarette smoke.

3. Take antioxidant supplements. The good choices are Glutathione and Vitamin C. Glutathione is a very potent antioxidant. They call it Master Antioxidant. It protects your cells against the damaging effects of alcohol and enhances mood as well. Glutathione is said to be more potent when taken with Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Limit your Vitamin C intake at 500mg only to avoid possible side effect like diarrhea. There is available alkaline form of Vitamin C called Sodium Ascorbate which you can take as much as you want. Take Glutathione with Vitamin C three times a day for 2 days.

4. Take analgesic. Ibuprofen, paracetamol or both to relieve you from headache and body pains. Pain is an undesirable feeling that makes you irritable which can lead to poor work performance or productivity. So, the best choice is take a pain reliever immediately.

5. Rest. It is advisable but only when it is necessary. It should not be an excuse to get absent from work. Though rest helps you recover and revitalise your body, think about your reports, presentations, and deadlines if there are any.

6. Choose the food you eat. Look for citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables and tuna or salmon. These are rich in nutrients that help detoxify your body. Try also to make pineapple juice with lemon grass, watermelon and mango fruit shake, or apple and banana fruit shake. These are my favorites.

Tip: Allow 7 days to pass before you attempt to drink again. Drink moderately and responsively.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Health Benefits Of Schumann Resonance

Schumann Resonances are set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.

Schumann Resonances are global electromagnetic resonances,  excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface (ionosphere). The cavity is naturally excited by the electric currents in lightning.  Lighting discharges are said to be the primary natural source of Shumann Resonance excitation.

The Earth resonates at 7.83Hz and was dubbed as Shumann Resonances in honor of Winfried Otto Schumann. Schumann Resonance is also called as the Earth's breathing.

Tuning in to 7.83Hz helps us get back to a state of resonance with the Earth's own electromagnetic frequency and experience health benefits.  Exposure to artificial frequencies such as, satellite receivers, cell phone towers, electrical appliances and WIFI connectivity may cause harmful effects in our body.

The health benefits of Schumann Resonance has something to do with the brain through auditory stimulation.

The Alpha Wave

Alpha wave is a type of brain wave that is detected by EEG or electroencephalogram. This type of wave occurs at frequency of 7.5-12.5Hz. It predominantly occurs during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes. It plays an important role in network coordination and communication.

By listening to Schumann Resonance, there is a natural relaxation effect resulting in a more harmonious bodily function.

Health Benefits Of Schumann Resonance

● enhancement of reading and learning capabilities
● rejuvenation of spirit and body
● improvement of stress tolerance
● relaxation or calming effect
● relief of emotional distress
● immune protection
● relief of migraine headache

Schumann Resonance is available for download from YouTube or you can try your music or mp3 downloader. To listen, use a headset. Enjoy listening.

Friday 7 March 2014

12 Ways To Care Your Skin

Beautiful skin is one among the primary concerns of every individual. Good looks add confidence. Many people are fortunate to be gifted with good skin while others are worried about their unattractive skin. Blemishes, roughness, uneven skin tone, dry skin, very dark skin, and oily skin are some of the common skin problems.

Most skin treatments are too expensive and cannot be afforded by most people. Here are some tips to achieve or keep up a good looking skin:

1. Exercise.
Exercise stimulates heartbeat and respiratory rate. Therefore, it increases blood flow. Your blood is responsible for carrying essential nutrients to nourish your cells. Do you know that your skin gets the lowest percentage of nutrients? Because it is the outermost part of your body. In blood circulation, your inner organs get the nutrients first because they are close to the heart. Exercises encourages better nourishment up to your skin.

2. Drink plenty of water.
Water is important component of a cell. It normalises cell metabolism and keeps you hydrated. It flushes out toxins and makes your skin look young and supple.

3. Take antioxidant vitamins.
Antioxidants are substance that fight metabolic waste products such as free radicals. Antioxidant vitamins eliminate toxic substance that harm your healthy cells. Take supplements like vitamin A, vitamin C, or vitamin E. If not, eat variety of fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants also aid in healing of wounds.

4. Don't smoke cigarette.
Cigarette smoke contains thousands of toxic chemicals. Some of them causes certain types of cancers. Cigarette smoke accelerates cell aging by primarily harming your lungs. It limits enough oxygen supply. Thus, skin cells look old and don't function properly.

5. Don't drink to much alcohol.
Obviously, alcohol is a harmful substance because it gives you a headache. It can cause liver dysfunction and possibly a brain damage. Drink moderately or choose red wine. Red wine is rich in antioxidants. Good for your skin and heart.

6. Have enough rest.
Cells need to rest. When your body is asleep, cell metabolism is faster. Detoxification and cell repair speeds up. Having enough rest makes your body energised and skin cells look better.

7. Take a bath and wash regularly. 
Take a bath at least 2 times a day or whenever necessary. Once in the morning and once in the evening. Use anti-perspirant deodorant specially during strenuous activities. Proper hygiene prevents bacteria from multiplying rapidly and can prevent body odor.

8. Wear a moisturiser or lotion
Moisturiser keeps your skin hydrated. Lotion locks in moisture, prevents dryness, and protects your skin.

9. Don't scratch your skin.
When your skin is itchy, don't attempt to scratch. Scratching can make it worse. Bacteria can enter skin through wounds. Use anti-allergy cream and  anti-itch lotion.

10. Use mild soap.
Harsh soaps can affect the natural moisture of your skin. Avoid using bleaching or whitening soap. They contain active ingredients that can destroy your skin's natural moisture. Choose a mild soap.

11. Use umbrella or hat.
Protect your skin when under the sun. Over exposure can cause sunburn and skin cancer. Wearing sunblock lotion is advisable even when there is a hat or umbrella.

12. See a doctor
When you experience skin problems without knowing what to do, see a dermatologist. Using unprescribed skin products can worsen your skin.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Health Risks Of Trans Fats

Trans fats or trans fatty acids are unsaturated fats which are uncommon in nature but can be created artificially. This type of fat is edible but high consumption may lead to various kinds of diseases. It increases bad cholesterol level and decreases good cholesterol level.

Trans fats are found naturally in small amount in meat and dairy products from ruminant animals (cud-chewing animals). Vaccenic acid is an example of natural trans fat. Animal-based fats were once the only trans fat consumed. Nowadays, there is huge consumption of trans fat created by hydrogenated foods.

Trans fat is made by adding Hydrogen to a fat or oil, a process called Hydrogenation. Foods that are hydrogenated are labelled as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated.

Oils or Fats are hydrogenated for many reasons:

● Increases product shelf life
● To keep food fresh longer
● To maintain the form of foods at room temperature
● Substitute for expensive oils
● Enhances taste and texture
● For dietary rules such as Halal
● Less greasy feel

Hydrogenated fats are not generally recognised as safe in United States. In other countries, there are legal limits to trans fat content. Hydrogenated food products are required to indicate the amount of trans fat on their labels (nutrition facts panel).

The primary reason trans fats are harmful to the body is its hydrogen content. Hydrogen is difficult to digest. High consumption of hydrogenated foods or trans fats can lead to various health problems.

Some common foods high in trans fat:

● doughnuts
● cookies
● pizza
● crackers and biscuits
● margarine

Diseases Caused By High Consumption Of Trans Fats

1. Coronary heart disease
Trans fat increases levels of bad cholesterol that may block coronary arteries.

2. Alzheimers disease
A study on rats, trans fats impaired memory and learning in middle-age rats. These rats have fewer brain proteins that are essential to healthy neurological function.

3. Cancer
The exact mechanism is unclear but trans fats are said to raise the risk of breast cancer by 75%.

4. Diabetes
Trans fats may raise your risk of type 2 diabetes.

5. Obesity
Obviously, trans fat is a fat. It accelerates weight gain particularly by accumulation of abdominal fat.

6. Liver dysfunction
Trans fats interfere with delta 6 desaturase, an enzyme involved in conversion of essential fatty acids.

7. Depression
It was found out by Spanish researchers that those who ate the most trans fats had a 48% higher risk of depression compared to those who didn't ate any.

Monday 3 March 2014

Acidic And Alkaline Foods: Their Impact On Your Health

Photo by ahmadpi (Flickr)
Food is your primary need in order to live. It is the source of essential nutrients to survive but it is also a source of health risk that may shorten your life. So, be careful with anything that you put in your mouth.

Find out how acidity and alkalinity affects your health.

pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration. It is used to measure acidity and alkalinity. p stands for power or potenz while H stands for hydrogen.

The neutral pH is pH 7. The healthy pH level of human blood is within the range of pH 7.35 to 7.45 (slightly alkaline). Your body neutralises acidity by using alkaline foods.

Acidic foods cause more acid to form in the stomach putting your health at risk. An acidic balance will decrease your body's ability to absorb nutrients resulting to weakness, decreased ability to detoxify or repair damage cells and poor cell nourishment. All of these will result to hormonal imbalance that weaken your immune system. Therefore, you are prone to develop various kinds of diseases.

For a healthful diet, the recommended amount of alkaline foods is from 60% - 80% and acidic food is from 20%-40%.

Examples of Acidic Foods:
Coffee, soft drink, vinegar, beer, and tea.

Examples of Alkaline Foods:
Almond, apples, avocado, asparagus, banana, bell pepper, broccoli, carrot, cantaloupe, canola oil, celery, citrus fruits (alkaline when digested), coconut, cucumber, green tea, herbal tea, kale, lettuce, mango, olive oil, onion, papaya, raw sugar, spinach, soybeans, watermelon, and wild rice.